Discover the timeless elegance of the Ten dried white-pink spray roses. At 50 centimetres long per rose, these beautiful flowers offer a touch of sophistication to any interior. Whether you want to brighten up your living room or are looking for a unique gift, these spray roses are a perfect choice. Thanks to their dried state, they remain beautiful for a long time, allowing you to enjoy them endlessly without worrying about watering or wilting.
Why should you buy these spray roses? They are not only pleasing to the eye, but also a sustainable choice. Part of the Dried roses & spray roses category, they are among the top 10 dried flowers. This means they have been carefully selected and dried to preserve their natural beauty. Moreover, they come from, a brand known for its high-quality dried flowers. These spray roses are ideal for florists, interior designers and anyone looking for a stylish and eco-friendly decoration solution.