QC' s Orange Artistic Bouquet is a masterpiece in the world of artificial flowers. Consisting of 40 side cuttings on stick, this bouquet offers a vibrant orange colour that brightens up any room. Measuring 50 centimetres long and available in 10 pieces, this bouquet is an excellent choice for florists, interior designers and event planners looking for an eye-catching and durable decorative solution.
Why choose this artistic bouquet? First of all, it offers the aesthetic benefits of natural flowers without the maintenance. The orange colour is perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. In addition, it is made of natural materials, contributing to an eco-friendly choice. This bouquet falls under the categories of Bouquets Artistic and Wholesale Flowers, meaning it is specially designed for large-scale applications and professional environments.
With its versatility and durability, the Orange Artistic Bouquet is ideal for various business applications, from retail establishments to events. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your offering with a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Order today and experience the quality and beauty of QC's artificial flowers.