The Mixed Colour Large Bouquet Anita is a beautifully curated Bouquet of Dry Flowers that offers the perfect balance of natural beauty and enduring elegance. At 55 centimetres long, this bouquet is an impressive choice for any business setting, be it an office space, an event or a shop. The bouquet consists of a carefully selected mix of natural materials in various colours, making it a versatile addition to any interior or décor.
Part of our range of LDD products, this bouquet guarantees high quality and craftsmanship. It is ideal for florists, interior designers and event planners looking for unique and long-lasting decorative solutions. The bouquet comes in six pieces, making it a practical choice for large-scale applications. Thanks to its natural materials and mixed colours, the bouquet offers a vibrant yet sophisticated look that attracts attention and enhances the aesthetics of any space.