The Mixed Colour Bouquet Scandinavian Sun offers a vibrant and long-lasting solution for business customers looking for high-quality Dry Flower Bouquets. This bouquet, which comes in 12 pieces, is composed of natural materials and offers a rich mix of colours that brighten up any space. Perfect for florists, interior designers and event planners, these dried flowers are an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers and retain their beauty much longer, making them ideal for long-term decorative applications.
Part of the Bouquets Dry Flowers and Wholesale Flowers categories, this bouquet from LDD offers a unique opportunity to enhance your range with a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and durable. The mixed colours and natural materials make the bouquet versatile, while the ordering unit of 12 pieces makes it ideal for large-scale projects. Trust LDD's expertise and quality to fulfil your business needs with products that excel both visually and functionally.