The MyFlowers Mint Green Dried Setaria is a sophisticated choice for florists and interior designers looking for unique and natural elements for their creations. Measuring approximately 70 cm in length, these dried flowers offer a fresh mint-green colour that enlivens any space. Setaria has been carefully dried to retain its natural charm and texture, making it a durable option for long-lasting decorations. Part of the Dried Setaria and Wholesale Grains and Grasses categories, this product is ideal for wholesalers looking for high-quality materials for floral arrangements and other decorative applications.
With a focus on sustainability and aesthetics, Dried Setaria offers an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers. Its natural material and vibrant green hue make it a versatile choice for various professional applications, from floral arrangements to interior design and event planning. These dried flowers come in bunches, making them easy to integrate into various projects. Choose Mint Green dried Setaria from MyFlowers to give your creations a unique and long-lasting look that will impress your customers.