The Green White Ranunculus Artificial Flower Bouquet is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, designed to mimic the beauty of nature with a touch of artistic flair. This bouquet, with a length of 20 centimetres, is a perfect choice for businesses seeking high-quality decorative solutions that require no maintenance. The subtle combination of green and white shades makes it a versatile addition to any space, ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners striving for an elegant and timeless appearance.
Made by the renowned brand 4A, this artificial flower bouquet guarantees quality and durability. It falls within the categories of Artistic Bouquets and Artificial Flowers, making it an excellent choice for wholesalers in flowers and artistic bouquets. The bouquet is made from high-quality plastic, ensuring a lifelike appearance and long lifespan. Order this bouquet per piece and add a touch of sophistication to your professional floral arrangements and decorations.