The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Summer Blue" by Wild Flowers is a masterpiece of natural beauty and craftsmanship. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 50 centimetres, combines a selection of carefully dried flowers in mixed colours, making it a versatile and visually appealing choice for any business setting. Whether you are a florist looking for unique bouquets or an interior designer wanting to add a long-lasting aesthetic touch to a space, this bouquet offers the perfect solution.
The unique selling points of this bouquet lie in the combination of natural materials and the sustainable nature of dried flowers. As part of our Dried Flower Bouquets category, the "Summer Blue" field bouquet offers an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, without compromising on beauty or quality. The bouquet is available individually, making it easy to order the exact quantity you need for your business projects. With its versatility and durability, this bouquet is a valuable addition for any professional application, from event planning to interior decoration.