The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Orange Oasis" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece of natural beauty and sustainability, carefully crafted for the demanding business market. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 35 centimetres, offers a vibrant mix of orange and mixed colours, perfect for florists, interior designers, and event planners seeking unique and long-lasting decorative solutions. As part of our Dried Flower Bouquets category, this product embodies the core values of the wholesale flower industry: quality, aesthetics, and sustainability.
The "Orange Oasis" is made from natural materials, making it an environmentally friendly choice for companies that prioritise sustainability. This bouquet is sold individually, offering flexibility in managing your stock and tailoring your floral arrangements to specific customer needs. As part of the Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets categories, this field bouquet is an excellent choice for professionals seeking high-quality dried flowers that are both visually appealing and practical for various business applications.