The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Natural Beauty" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece of natural aesthetics, perfect for business customers looking for sustainable and visually appealing floral arrangements. With a height of approximately 35 centimetres, this bouquet offers a refined appearance that is ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners. The bouquet is composed of carefully selected natural materials, making it an environmentally friendly choice within the categories of Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers.
This bouquet, delivered per piece, stands out for its natural colour and authentic appearance, making it a versatile addition to any interior or event. The unique combination of dried flowers in this bouquet offers long-lasting beauty without the maintenance that fresh flowers require. These features make the Field Bouquet an excellent choice for companies striving for quality and sustainability in their decorative projects. Discover the benefits of dried flowers and enhance your business offering with this beautiful creation from Wild Flowers.