The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Natural Beauty" from Wild Flowers is a beautifully composed bouquet that brings the essence of nature into any space. With a height of approximately 60 centimetres, this bouquet is an impressive choice for business clients seeking sustainable and stylish decoration solutions. The natural colours and materials make the bouquet not only a visually attractive choice but also an environmentally friendly option for florists, interior designers, and event planners.
This bouquet falls under the categories Wholesale Flowers and Dried Flower Bouquets, and is ideal for wholesale bouquets. The bouquet is delivered individually and is made from natural materials, making it a sustainable choice for long-term use. These dried flowers are not only an aesthetic addition to any interior but also offer a low-maintenance solution that stands the test of time. Thanks to the natural appearance and versatility, this field bouquet is a valuable addition to the range of any professional florist or designer.