The field bouquet dried flowers "Blossom Lilac" from Wild Flowers is a refined composition of natural elements, perfect for businesses looking for unique and sustainable decoration options. With a height of approximately 50 centimetres, this bouquet offers an elegant addition to any space, whether it is for a florist, interior designer, or event planner. The combination of various colours and textures makes this bouquet a versatile choice within the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers.
This bouquet is not only a visual masterpiece but also a testament to sustainability, thanks to the use of natural materials. The "Blossom Lilac" is sold individually, offering flexibility for wholesale customers who wish to expand their range with high-quality dried flowers. The unique composition and use of additional colours ensure that the bouquet stands out in the Wholesale Bouquets market. This makes the bouquet an excellent choice for professionals seeking quality and aesthetics in their floral arrangements and decorations.