The Field Bouquet dried flowers "The Perfect Gift Rainbow" from Wild Flowers is a beautifully composed bouquet that captures the essence of natural beauty. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 50 centimetres, is an ideal choice for businesses in the floral sector looking for unique and sustainable decorative solutions. The mixed colours of this bouquet provide a vibrant and versatile addition to any interior or event, making it perfect for florists, interior designers, and event planners.
As part of our categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, this field bouquet offers a combination of natural materials and high-quality finish. The bouquet is available individually, offering flexibility in purchasing and application. The natural materials and mixed colours make it an environmentally friendly and aesthetically appealing choice. This bouquet is not only a decorative element but also a statement of sustainability and style, matching the high-quality standards of the wholesale bouquet market.