The Field Bouquet dried flowers "The Perfect Gift Pink" from Wild Flowers is a splendid example of the refinement and sustainability you can expect from our collection of Dried Flower Bouquets. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 50 centimetres, exudes a soft pink colour, perfect for creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in any business environment. Made from natural materials, this bouquet offers an eco-friendly decoration option that lasts long without maintenance.
This bouquet is ideal for florists looking for unique and sustainable products to enrich their range, as well as for interior designers and event planners who need aesthetic and long-lasting decorative solutions. The bouquet falls within the categories of Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets, and is available individually, making it flexible for various business applications. With its natural charm and durability, this field bouquet is a valuable addition to any business space striving for a stylish and eco-friendly appearance.