The Wild Flowers Field Bouquet Dried Flowers "The Perfect Gift Multi Colour" is a beautifully composed bouquet that brings the natural charm of nature into any space. With a height of approximately 50 centimetres, this bouquet offers a versatile option for both florists and interior designers looking for unique and sustainable decorative solutions. The mixed colours of the dried flowers provide a vibrant appearance that brightens any environment, while the natural materials make it an eco-friendly choice.
This bouquet falls under the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, meaning it is specially designed for the wholesale market. The bouquet is available individually, making it easy to order exactly the right amount for your business needs. With a diameter of 11 to 20 centimetres, it fits perfectly in various pot sizes, making it ideal for different professional applications, from shop windows to events. Choose this field bouquet to offer your customers a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically responsible.