The Field Bouquet Dried Flowers "Multi Colori" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece of natural beauty and versatility. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 55 centimetres, is composed of carefully selected dried flowers in mixed colours, making it a vibrant addition to any interior or event. Perfect for florists looking for unique and sustainable floral arrangements, interior designers wanting to add a touch of nature to their creations, and event planners seeking long-lasting decorative solutions. The natural materials and rich colours of this bouquet make it an ideal choice for various professional applications.
As part of the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, this product offers an excellent opportunity to diversify your range with high-quality dried flowers. The field bouquet is delivered per piece, providing flexibility in managing your stock and orders. The natural materials ensure an eco-friendly choice, while the mixed colours offer a wide range of design possibilities. Choose the Field Bouquet Dried Flowers "Multi Colori" to surprise your customers with a product that is both aesthetically appealing and sustainable.