The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Meadow Violet" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece of natural beauty, specially designed for wholesale. With a height of approximately 55 centimetres, this bouquet offers an impressive display of mixed colours, perfect for florists and interior designers seeking unique and sustainable decorative solutions. The combination of carefully selected natural materials makes this bouquet an ideal choice for anyone wanting to bring a touch of nature into their space without compromising on quality or sustainability.
As part of our categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, this bouquet offers versatility and style for any professional application. The bouquet is available individually, providing flexibility for large-scale orders or exclusive, bespoke projects. With its mixed colour palette and natural materials, the "Meadow Violet" bouquet is not only a visually attractive choice but also an environmentally friendly option that lasts. Add these beautiful dried flowers to your range and offer your customers the opportunity to enjoy the lasting beauty of nature.