The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Meadow Violet" from Wild Flowers is a beautifully arranged bouquet that captures the essence of natural beauty. With an impressive height of approximately 60 centimetres, this bouquet offers a striking visual impact that is perfect for any business environment. This bouquet is carefully composed of natural materials and offers a mix of blended colours that brighten up any space. It is ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners looking for sustainable and aesthetically pleasing solutions for their floral arrangements and decorations.
As part of our Dried Flower Bouquets collection, this product offers a unique opportunity to experience the beauty of nature in a long-lasting form. The bouquet is available individually, making it easy to order exactly the quantity you need for your project. The natural materials and blended colours make it a versatile choice for various applications in the wholesale flower industry. Choose the Field Bouquet dried flowers "Meadow Violet" to surprise your customers with a product that is both aesthetically pleasing and sustainable.