The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Exclusive White" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece in the world of Dried Flower Bouquets. This beautiful bouquet, with a height of approximately 65 centimetres, combines the natural beauty of dried flowers with an elegant white colour. It is perfect for businesses looking for sustainable and stylish decorations that elevate their interior to a higher level. The bouquet is composed of carefully selected, natural materials that retain their charm and quality, making it an excellent choice for florists, interior designers, and event planners.
This bouquet falls within the categories of Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets, and offers a unique combination of aesthetics and sustainability. The exclusive white colour of the bouquet makes it a versatile choice for various business applications, from stylish office interiors to refined events. With a diameter of 31 to 40 centimetres, this bouquet offers an impressive presence without being overwhelming. Order this bouquet individually and experience the quality and craftsmanship that Wild Flowers has to offer. For businesses looking for a unique and environmentally friendly decorative solution, this field bouquet offers an unparalleled combination of beauty and sustainability.