The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Exclusive Purple" from Wild Flowers is a masterpiece in the world of dried flowers. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 55 centimetres, is a beautiful composition of natural materials that bring the vibrant colour purple to life. Specially designed for wholesale, this bouquet offers a unique aesthetic that will appeal to both florists and interior designers. The bouquet is ideal for long-lasting decorations in commercial spaces, hotels, or events, where the natural charm of dried flowers takes centre stage.
This bouquet falls under the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, and is an excellent choice for businesses seeking sustainable and low-maintenance floral solutions. The dried flowers can be ordered individually, allowing for flexibility in purchasing. With a diameter of 21 to 30 centimetres, this bouquet fits perfectly into various interior styles. The natural materials ensure that the bouquet retains its beauty without the need for water or sunlight, making it an environmentally friendly choice for any professional project.