Discover the timeless charm of the field bouquet dried flowers "Exclusive Pastel" from Wild Flowers. This beautiful bouquet, with a height of approximately 65 centimetres, is a masterpiece of natural beauty and craftsmanship. The bouquet is composed of a harmonious mix of mixed colours, making it a versatile choice for any business environment. Whether it's enhancing an office space, creating an atmospheric ambience in a restaurant, or adding a touch of elegance to an event, this dried flower bouquet offers endless possibilities.
The field bouquet dried flowers "Exclusive Pastel" falls under the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, and is specially designed for the wholesale bouquet market. These dried flowers are made from natural materials, which not only contribute to their authentic appearance but also to their durability. The bouquets are sold individually, providing flexibility for businesses looking to create bespoke floral arrangements. With a diameter of 31 to 40 centimetres, these bouquets are perfect for creating striking centrepieces or decorative displays. Choose the quality and expertise of Wild Flowers and give your business projects an exclusive look.