Discover the timeless beauty of the Field Bouquet dried flowers "Dark Amber", a masterpiece by Wild Flowers. With a height of approximately 60 centimetres, this bouquet is a perfect choice for florists, interior designers, and event planners seeking sustainable and aesthetically pleasing solutions. The natural materials and unique mix of other colours make this bouquet a striking addition to any space. As part of our Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers categories, this product offers an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers, with a lasting charm that does not fade.
The Field Bouquet dried flowers "Dark Amber" is carefully composed to highlight the natural beauty of dried flowers. This bouquet is ideal for professionals striving for creativity and sustainability in their projects. The order unit per piece makes it easy to order exactly the number of bouquets you need, while the variable height between 51 and 70 centimetres offers flexibility for different decorative applications. As part of the Wholesale Bouquets, this product is perfectly positioned to meet the needs of business customers seeking high-quality, natural decorations.