The field bouquet dried flowers "Apricot Ambiance" from Wild Flowers is a refined example of natural beauty and craftsmanship. With a height of approximately 35 centimetres, this bouquet offers a perfect balance between elegance and versatility. The mixed colours and natural materials make it an excellent choice for a wide range of professional applications, from florists to interior designers and event planners. This bouquet is a testament to the high standards that B2B Flowers BV maintains in their range of Dried Flower Bouquets.
This product stands out for its sustainable character and aesthetic appeal, providing an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers. The bouquet is delivered individually, offering flexibility in the composition of larger arrangements or as a complement to existing decorations. The categories Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets emphasise the focus on quality and variety. These dried flowers are a perfect choice for professionals seeking sustainable and visually appealing solutions for their floral arrangements and interior projects.