The Dolce Vita Dried Phalaris Red, also known as Canary Grass, is a striking addition to any florist's collection. With a length of 75 centimetres per bunch, these dried flowers offer a unique and vibrant red colour that is perfect for creating eye-catching floral arrangements and decorations. The natural appearance and durability make these dried Phalaris ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners seeking long-lasting and eco-friendly decorative solutions.
As part of our Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Grains and Grasses categories, these dried Phalaris flowers offer a versatile choice for various professional applications. The flowers are naturally made and sold individually, making them easy to customise to specific project needs. Whether you want to add a unique accent to a bridal bouquet, create a striking centrepiece for an event, or enhance an interior design, the Dried Phalaris Red provides the quality and aesthetics to elevate your projects to the next level.