The dried lavender-grey spray roses from are a refined choice for any professional florist or interior designer. With a length of 50 centimetres and available in sets of 10 roses, these natural dried flowers offer a unique combination of colours: blue, grey, and other subtle shades. These dried roses are ideal for creating elegant and durable floral arrangements that add a touch of sophistication to any event or interior. They fall under the categories Wholesale Flowers, Wholesale Dried Flowers, and Dried Roses, and are perfect for those seeking high-quality and eco-friendly decorative solutions.
These dried roses are not only an aesthetic addition but also a sustainable choice for businesses that value environmentally friendly products. They are made from natural materials, which contribute to their authentic appearance and long-lasting quality. Whether you are a florist looking for unique floral arrangements or an interior designer aiming to create a timeless atmosphere, these dried lavender-grey spray roses offer versatile possibilities. Thanks to their high-quality finish and natural charm, they are a must-have for any professional application.