The Dolce Vita Dried Lagurus Yellow, also known as Bunny Tails dried flowers, is a beautiful addition to any professional floral arrangement. With a length of 75 centimetres per bunch, this natural dried flower offers a unique texture and a vibrant yellow colour that brightens up any space. These flowers are perfect for florists, interior designers, and event planners looking for sustainable and low-maintenance decorative solutions. The Lagurus Yellow is a versatile choice that fits both modern and classic arrangements.
As part of the Dried Lagurus and Wholesale Flowers categories, this selection from B2B Flowers BV offers an eco-friendly alternative to fresh flowers. The natural materials and sustainable drying techniques ensure that these flowers retain their beauty and structure for a longer period. This makes them extremely suitable for long-lasting decorations in commercial and residential environments. Thanks to their high quality and aesthetic appeal, these dried flowers are a valuable addition to the range of any professional florist or designer.