The Dolce Vita Dried Lagurus Peach, also known as Bunny Tails, is a refined addition to any professional floral arrangement or interior design. These dried flowers, with a length of 75 centimetres, offer a unique texture and a subtle colour that perfectly fits within the categories of Dried Lagurus, Wholesale Flowers, and Wholesale Grains and Grasses. They are ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners looking for natural and low-maintenance decorative solutions.
Why choose the Dried Lagurus Peach? These dried flowers are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable and environmentally friendly. Made from natural materials, they retain their beauty without the need for water or sunlight, making them an excellent choice for long-lasting decorations. The versatility of these dried flowers makes them suitable for a wide range of applications, from elegant bouquets to creative interior projects. With a purchase unit per piece and available in other colours, they offer flexibility and style for any professional setting.