The Dried Flower Bouquet "Especially for You" from MyFlowers is a carefully curated arrangement that celebrates the beauty of nature in dried form. This bouquet combines the soothing scent of dried eucalyptus with the delicate charm of dried lavender and the playful appearance of craspedia dried flowers. Ideal for businesses in the floral sector, such as florists and interior designers, this bouquet offers a sustainable and stylish solution for decorative purposes.
With a height of 41 to 50 centimetres and made from natural materials, this bouquet is a perfect choice for any business environment seeking a touch of natural elegance. The mixed colours of the bouquet provide a visually appealing presentation that suits various interior styles. As part of the Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets categories, this product offers an excellent addition to your range of floral decorations. Order this bouquet individually and experience the quality and expertise of MyFlowers in every detail.