Discover the unique beauty of the Dried Roses with the Coral Misty Sola roses 'Lotus'. These stunning roses, with a diameter of 6 centimetres, are delivered in a box of 9 roses and are packaged in pairs. They offer a natural aesthetic that is ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners seeking high-quality and sustainable decorative solutions. The roses are made from natural material, providing an authentic appearance and an environmentally friendly choice.
The Coral Misty Sola roses 'Lotus', a product of LDD, stand out for their refined pink colour, but are also available in other shades. These dried flowers are perfect for creating long-lasting floral arrangements that retain their charm without the need for water or much maintenance. Due to their versatility, they are not only suitable for the floral sector but also for hobbyists and creative projects. With a focus on sustainability and quality, these roses offer an excellent choice for professionals striving for environmentally friendly and visually appealing floral solutions.