Discover the timeless elegance of the Classic Bouquet Pink XL Dried Flower Bouquet, a masterpiece of natural beauty that is perfect for any business application. This bouquet, with a height of approximately 60 centimetres, exudes refinement and style, ideal for florists, interior designers, and event planners looking for a distinctive element in their creations. The soft pink hues add a touch of romance, while the natural materials ensure a sustainable and eco-friendly choice.
This bouquet belongs to the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Wholesale Flowers, and is a proud product of Wild Flowers. With its carefully selected and dried flowers, this bouquet offers a long-lasting aesthetic appeal that does not fade. It is designed for professionals who strive for quality and sustainability in their floral arrangements. Order this beautiful bouquet per piece and experience the unique benefits of a product that is both visually impressive and ecologically responsible.