The Bouquet of Dried Rice Flowers Rosa is a refined choice within the Dried Flower Bouquets category. This bouquet, with a length of 70 centimetres, combines three beautiful colours that create a unique visual impact. The natural materials provide an authentic look, making the bouquet ideal for florists and interior designers seeking sustainable and aesthetically pleasing solutions. As part of our range in Wholesale Flowers and Wholesale Bouquets, this product offers versatility and quality.
Made by the brand Casa Alegria, this bouquet guarantees craftsmanship and style. The dried rice flowers are carefully selected and processed to preserve their natural beauty, making them perfect for long-lasting decorative applications. These bouquets are not only visually appealing but also environmentally friendly, making them an excellent choice for businesses that prioritise sustainability. Order this product individually and add a touch of natural elegance to your range.