The "Peony Love" bouquet is a refined combination of dried flowers and silk flowers, with a height of approximately 55 centimetres. This bouquet is a masterpiece by Wild Flowers, a renowned brand in the floral industry. The bouquet is designed to capture the beauty of natural flowers and combine it with the durability of silk flowers. This makes it a perfect choice for florists, interior designers, and event planners looking for aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting decorative solutions.
This product falls under the categories Dried Flower Bouquets and Silk Flower Bouquets, and offers a unique mix of natural materials in mixed colours. The bouquet is available individually, making it ideal for businesses that want to offer bespoke floral arrangements without maintaining large inventories. The combination of natural and silk flowers provides a low-maintenance solution that is both durable and visually appealing, suitable for various professional applications.