The Bouquet of Dry Flowers Amelia is a masterpiece of natural beauty, composed in romantic colours that give any space a warm and elegant feel. Measuring 70 centimetres long, this dried flower bouquet offers an impressive visual statement, ideal for business environments such as offices, hotels and event venues. The bouquet is a perfect choice for businesses looking for durable and low-maintenance decoration options, without compromising on style and quality.
Made from high-quality natural materials, the Bouquet of Dry Flowers Amelia stands out for its durability and aesthetic appeal. Part of the Bouquet of Dry Flowers and Wholesale Flowers categories, this product offers an excellent choice for florists and interior designers looking for unique and long-lasting floral arrangements. The bouquet is available by the piece, making it easy to order the exact quantity your business needs. Discover MyFlowers ' quality and craftsmanship and enrich your range with this beautiful dried bouquet.